
sweep 4 to 6 cycles per second.



The probability of a particle remaining

within one millimeter sone for as moh as one-half hour appears to be

vanishing small. ... Protestion will also be provided by the sucus

lining which is itself renewed several tines an hour." Ascepting the

estinates above and the methods illustrated in appendices 5 and F, it nay be
eorputed that about 33 reps would be delivered to the surface of an


ary stationary sphere one millimeter in radius by a 20 micron particle (2 C. a

xierocuries)," larger Swe CAbadotiired closer to the particle but
with the relatively rapid movenent ef the particle, it does not appear
that large doses will be delivered to a great muxber of cells.


exposures might occur from additional particles but again this risk is
diffieult to evaluate,


Considerable effort 1s being directed tovard the stuty of eontax

4nation of food froz fallout. One elerent of xajor concern is &r™, It
has been estimated that if one were to subsist entirely on food grow fron

soils containing stout,onenlarocurie per square foot ef Sr”, (1,000 pounds
of calcius per acre), that over a period of years there would accumiate in
of one microcur:s of sre,

Soils taken



rb as


‘be ae

the human akeleton a body burden



miles from the Nevada Proving Grounds, nov show a concentration


microcuries par square foot.

*Irivate communication, L. A, Dean, U. S. Departaent of Agriculture,
Beltsville, Maryland, April 23, 1954.

Select target paragraph3