Externe |


Concentration(nlcroeuries Theoretical Maxirux
per milliliter extrapolat- Whole-body Garma
ed to 3 days after detonaInfinity Dose


Virgin River Irrigation Canal, Bev

8.7 x 1079


Irrigation Ditch, 56 mi.no. of Pioche, Kev

4.5 x 10-5


lover Pahranagst Lake, Bev

3.2 x 10-6


Virgin River at Mesquite, Rev

2.6 x 107

Bunkerville, Nev (tap water)

1.2 x 10-6


. 1.1 x 10-6

Crystal Springs, Bev (tap water)

0.15 -

Dae to veather and to attenuation of the gamua rays by buildings, the

whole-body gana dose estizated to have been actually delivered was probably
@loser to one-half of the values show.
The xaximm permissible concentration of fission products in drinking

water is § x 10-3 po/ul extrapolated to three days after detonation, This is
considered a safe concentration for continuous consueption.
Whereas, the monitoring of vater sources is of value for docusentary
purposes it should be recognised that the concentrations found may vary
widely vithin snall geographical areas and even at the same loeation at

different tines (taking into account radioactive decay), Thus, eonfidence
eannot be placed {fn precise values.

Table ¥i.a. suggests that even if one

were to have stored up the water listed at Virgin River Irrigation Canal
and subsisted entirely on this for a lifetine, the concentration
vould be
~ m7 /




Select target paragraph3