
activity has decreased significantly,
A given dose rate reading inside a vehicle may represent less contarin-

ation per unit area dus to the contribution ef gama radiation from the
exterior of the vehicle.
would more

On the other hand, eontanination vithin a vehicle

probably be picked up by personnel than if it were on the outside.

Forther, it is recognised that significantly high concentrations of radioactive fallout may accumulate im such parts as the air filters of an

Again, this has to be weighted against the probability that

they will be handled before the activity has decreased to low levels plus
the fact that it is relatively difficult te monitor such parts on a mass

basis. The uncertainties present in estimating possiblehazards from vehicle
contamination would not justify fine distinctions in monitoring the various
parts. 4& thorough eleaning, inside end outeide, would appear to be the
best solution.


One of the obvious vays to avold much of the probles discussed in

Policy IV {s to prevent vehicles entering an area during the tine of fallout.
This will not prevent the first vehicles passing through from picking up

activity on the tires from the highway. It is believed, hovever, this will
not constitute such a troublescas problem and pest experience has indicated





that the activity found on the tires noticeably decreased after several cars


had pessed over the highvay, Further, if vebicles are not present in the
fallout it will help reduce contamination of the passengers and of the
insides of the vehicles.



Select target paragraph3