The sizes of areas and distances from the surfaces vere selected independently of any ef the information on the fallout on the natives discussed

above and vere estinates of areas of contamination and distances of monitoring that appeared to be reasonable estinates of these yeransters.

The elose

agreenent between the gamma dose rate ratios based on theoretical considera~
tions and those observed with the natives

is circunstantial.

For exanpls,

an equally eonteminated area of three-inch radius would yield a theoretical
gemma dose rite ametines less than the selected area of six-inch radius.

In the case of the natives, hovever, it is believed that they vere sexi-naked,
perspiring, and out-of-doors during the fallout so that it {s not unreasonable

to expect relatively large areas of the body to be contaninated.
this was noted when they were monitored.

In fact,

By their acts of walking erowd

during the period of fallout and sleeping on mats that vere hesrily contacinated it would seeu possible that significant areas of the bodies of the

Ailinginse and Utirik natives eould be as heavily contaminated as vas the

(It is wumknown if there vere sufficient winds that might have

raised the material from the ground to the body after fallout occurred.)
There is further uncertainty of whet is meant by the monitor's report
of "average" persomel readings,

The dose rate readings in the hair are know

to have been significantly higher than the rest of the body in most eases.
It is unknown how these readings were "averaged",
Whereas these data certainly are not firm enough for ons to place great

confidence in the precise quantities of the ratios of 7/1 or A bey do




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Select target paragraph3