to plaques containing different radioisotopes,

Pertinent data are abstracted

as follows:
Surface Dose Required to Froduce



Zsstove Enerey beta)
Yttrium? 1,53
Strontiza%™ 0.61/





Kstinated Anount of

tratedGitato Dejth

The average maxima energy of the beta particles from fallout material
varies with tine but will be assumed te be roughly comparable, in respect to

depth dose, to Yttriua’! or sr”, _ Since the gamma dose at a depth of
7 ng/cw would not be significantly different fron the surface gamma dose,
the ratio ef 130

te 1 for beta-ganza will be assured at the basal layer of

the epidersis,

Th net

{One experiment with sheep, using 6r7=190 plaques, shoved that 2500
reps at the plaques’ surface produced ulesration in ons but not another of
two sheep.®

On the other hand, 1000 rads delivered to tissue depth of

7 wc/ea® fron a 392 one inch dtaneter distfiype of antes) vot stated) produced
tanning, prolonged erythena and desquanstion.©#}
Tt is to be remenbered that the above discussion was first based on
Surface gamma dose rates whereas the gonitors vill be making their garma

®*Conparative Study of Experimentally Produced Beta Lesions and Skin Lesions
in Utah Range Sheep",

Lushbaugh, C.£E., Spalding, 3.¥, and Hale, DB. LASL

Bovember 30, 1953 (UHCLASSIFIED).

*#HW-33068 A status report. Sept. 15, 1954 (COKFIDENTIAL),




Select target paragraph3