from t71+2,)

pecause of the physical conditions described atove, these

reductions in contamination prolably are neur tie upper limit to be expected


froa wind,

Operational Peasiiility of Criterta

It is not the insent here to discuss operational procedures, but it
should be indicated that tie computing of radiation doses as recommanded

in Policy Y is a not too difficult task.
= (

If one assumes a t~°*1.2 rate of

decay as a firs® approzization, then a single graph of dose rates versus
times after detonation can be constructed that will represent a 30 roentpen


effective tiolorical dose for ona year.

An additional family of curves can

be made that will provide the answers to the parancters of howmeh time would

be availaile before evacuation an? of how lonc a tine pergomel would “ave to
remain ovt of the

radiation arsa in order to provide for a savincs of at

east 15 roentrens,

The highest whole-body gamma dose recorded for any locality where
Personnel were present outside the Nevada Proving Grounds was at Riverside
Snapper. ‘the maximum theoretical infintty gama dose was estimated to be
12-15 Froantgens,



Cabins, Nevada (about 15 people) following shot numer seven of Tusbler~


Select target paragraph3