Honorable Edward Johnstoa


January 3, 1973

I hepe that the Militcsi ena ba made available te take the cean
between Kwajalein and Roncselap. Perhaps the chip cculd bo used ice
routine fleld trip operations during our 6-7 day stay at Rengelco.


It will bo appreciated if tae following Trust Territory parconnei
(medical) can participate:
A prectitioner for tating medical
to act as interpreter: Sebco sheni
Zettiker to act as lilercatery techn
Mr. Ernest Libby to tche 4 rays cad Gercy out
medical photograsiuy.
Drs. Brown Dobyns and Leo Moyer ond Kaud Mnudeon will norticizctea, in
addition to Bill Scott, Doug Clascus and ike Maher.
We have hopes thac the ATO iu Uoaolulu will ua ohle
vailable the trailer (ouch as va have ae Ebeya and Neatelsas}
our use at Majuro. This would ovoid the inters
22 G2 cur tile
inations with the heanital vouwclas there. bls
of the AEC in Honolulu, who will vieit Kwajaicin coisa, wlil ae Ge te
contact Oscar Debrun about chic aud ahoue the necuslilisy si let 2ls5

the trafler near che hocpltul.

I hove this teste wleh your otorevel

and also the approval of Drs. icsnzai and Tanan.

I am taking the liberty of conding ecpies oc Shig Letnie cs
various Trust Territory porccasel Who may te lavolvad fn cha cacy oy.

With best wishes for the low Year,

Robert A. Conard, M.D.
RACs 1s
CC: Dept. of Interior, Wach., J. ¢.
Col. Fispback, Coxunanding Officer, Kwajalein
Mr. Livernan, AEC, Washinsecn, B. C.
Or. Kumansai

-» Mr. Oscar Debrum
Mr. Me. Gunby
Dr. Browa
om se


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