


The island was prepared for agricultural redevelopment by cutting parellel

strips through the vegetation along.the length of the island.

The vegetative

“cover was knocked down and left in place to provide additional organic matter

for the soil.

The strips were surveyed and background gamma radiation levels

recorded at 250-foot intervals along their length.

Figure 1 illustrates the

background variation by depicting the range and average of gamma radiation

measurements taken at three feet above the ground for areas consisting of

approximately four strips.


Although a large amount of debris was found on Bikini (from4testing program

and sar II)with one excepting’ none was radioactive.

One pile of roofing

wien 4s

. paper scraps contaminated primarily with 137%cs was located northwest of zarusr

center on the lagoon side of the island.

This material which showed a contact

reading of approximately 200 uR/hr was loaded into 55-gallon drums and disposed
ofone of the disposal sites in the ocean south of Eneu.

The measured exposure rates were 10 uR/hr or less along the beaches, and

ranged from 20-120 uR/hr inland.

Soil samples taken at three locations in

1969 having measured backgrounds of 20, 70 and 100 uR/hr showed 13% ¢s and©%go

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