



During the 1970 re-survey 9 air samplers were operated, 4 on Eneu am

and 5 on Bikini, for 14 days (See Figures 3 and 4 for locations).
Results for those air samples are tabulated in the fachreh

Bikini No. 5 and Eneu No. 1 are considered to be background stations since
they were located on the windward side of the respective islands, overhanging the beach.

Values for radionuclide concentrations in air were obtained by analyzing
one half of the filter for each day composited by station over the total
sampling period.

For Bikini the 23°Pu results ranged from 0.6 x 1074 pCi/m

to 5.4 x 10-4 pCi/m>.

All results for Eneu were 0.4 x 1074 pCi/m>.


comparison, the average value for 239py background in the U. S. during 1968

was 0.4 x 1074 pCi/m>.

The analytical” error associated with these results

is approximately + 25% at the 2 sigma confidence level.

In order to assess the variation in air concentration, the remaining one half
of the daily samples from Bikini No. 1 were analyzed individually.

is from <0.7 x 1074 pCi/m> to 7.9 x 1074 pCi/i for 239pu.

The range

The average for

all samples at this station is approximately 4 x 1074 pci/m3 which compares


Select target paragraph3