- _ NOU-15-1998 18:56 : FROM DOE HOTRS TO AnTS-DOE-NV Bedi P.@ OACa Department of Energy Nevada Operations Office PQ Box 98518 Las Vegas, NV 89193-8518 November 1, 1990 The Honorable Ron de Lugo Chaimnan, Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC Dear Mr. 20515 Chairman: Your letter to Harry U. Brown, dated October 5, 1990, requested a copy of a study which identified certain atolls and islands likely to have received fallout from U.S. nuclear tests at Enewetak and Bikini. The Nevada Operations Office of the U.S. (DOE) did not Headquarters, in touch with from DOE, who ~ Department of Energy undertake or direct such a study. Our Office of Environment, Safety and Health (EH), is those individuals, some of whom have since retired would be able to address your question. EH will respond directly to you when this information is located. Sincerely, yf OBL ek Cc. Aquiljha Manager cc: Cc. Rick Jones, DOE/HQ, (EH-41) GIN Dep. Asst. Sec. for Intergovernmental & Public Liaison, DOE/HQ (CP-30) 90048 723 FORS rorAL P.@2 . *