
Teller Time interval.’


Electromgnetic tim interval.


Fireball yield.


ENS timing and primry alpha dy telemetering.


Such reaction history as feasible by the optical method being used
and to be proved in Operation Plumbbob.

Considerable effort and thought have already gone into the planning for remte
diagnostics and the same remote experiments will be performed from land based
equipment on Tare in diagnosing shots in the northern test areas at Bikini.
Remote diagnostics obtained at sea are not without precedent since time in-

terval and fireball yield were obtained from the commnd ship on the Mike

Shot, Operation Ivy. The five shots would be placed on barges moored in the
lagoon, probably toward the northern end. The first of these shots wovld
be placed near the leeward reef so as to broach an opening approximtely

equivalent to the crater diameter.

Each succeeding shot barge would be moored

on the edge of the previously formed crater in order to open a navigable deep
water channel into the lagoon and to form, with the largest shot, a turning
basin at its end. This stepwise strategic placement and encroachment into
the lagoon would result in a man-made deep water anchorage for possible use
in the future.

The sequence timer and radio firing racks would be placed aboard the shot

barge. Such a method is very feasible and the reliability of the system has
been proven in past operations, The firm of Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier,
Inc., who normally provide the firing equipment, have considered this systen
for Hardtack and are able and willing to provide, install, and operate the
necessary equipment.

Weather and Geography
One of the greatest gains to be netted in this use of Teongi Atoll is the
opportunity of taking advantage of its isolated and unique position with respect to populated areas. The nearést populated area west of Taongi is Guen,
som2 1,300 miles distant. To the east, no populatei area exists for at
least 1,500 miles. To the north, the nearest population is on Wake bearing
NNW 324 miles distant. The closest population of any is Utirik Atoll, 215
miles S by E of Teongi. One of the recsons for advocating miniml construction ashore et Taongi is to assure no need for reoceupation of the islands
and since taking full advantage of being able to fire with the stable Taongi
wind pattern is certain to produce heavy fallout on then.
Typical hodogrephs of shot tine observed winds at Enivetok and Bikini, with

their usual inverted S shape to the north, are indicative of the desirability

for southerly components in the levels from 20,000 feet to the tropopause.
The stable winds above and below this middle layer very seldom change in
direction, being mostly easterly in both the upper and lower layers.




Select target paragraph3