41; ULN, Visiting Mission, op. a

TUS. Dept. of Navy, Report ¢

°ULS, Atomic Energy Conmis

cific,V/1295, New York, Dee. 16

* United Nations, Trustccshi,

‘The group was promptly
for the sole purpose of gin

ferred to the Ponape Dis
reasons Cor the transfer, tl
avainst it, basing dieir p
shallese in culture and wi

frequentlywent for six no
copriuand to deliver gooc

‘Their iskind, a considera

ing problem of the Uje

United States Atomic En
2? 1947, the selection of ti
tion. The islanders were
family dwellings, two cc
trade store, a school, and

hotly after the beginni

Vhe second displacem:

United States was given I

ment was made at the :

Ujelang. Both groups wet
homes and certain adjacc

ment of the islanditself ¢
areas accessible to the Bik
Nuckerissued a press
made with the former re:
sation for the use of their
trust agreement amounter

tangible means of transpe

sist them. “Varo plants we
tural extension station wi

resources of Kilt and app

To aid in the isluiders’
ity initiated a community
the Bikini group with ne

ing the greater part of the

the loading of copra vnc t


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