technical programs and discussions of the latent ef&ects of radiation.
Apart from purely medical explanatlons, we have attempted to convey

an understanding of the Limitations upon the AEC's (now ERDA's) activities.
For example, ERDA has neither authority, jurisdiction, nor resources to

deal with the general social welfare needs of Trust Territory populations.
ERDA'’s medical resources in the Marshall

Islands have been provided for the

limited purposes set forth in this letter.

Although It has been possible

during thelr perlodic visits for ERDA's medical

teams to volunteer limited

dlagnosIs and treatment ofmany of the islands4 residents, general medica]
care remains a responsibility of the Trust Territory government.
In this connection, we assure you that none of our Utirtk medical
programs have been, nor have we [ntended them to be, 'axper Imentatton”
programs’; nor have we ever viewed the Utirik people as “human guinea
pigs,'' as suggested

in your letter.

be frresponsible for us to fail

We have frankly recognized that it would

to keep the affected populations under

Br eTTag

medical survelllance and to [nvestigate and treat any long term
of the 1954 detonation.

Accordingly, we have,


through the Brookhaven

Natlonal Laboratory, utl lh zed the best medical and sclentific resources
avallable in the United States

itn service to the people of Rongelap and

Utirik who were expased to radilatlon from the 1954 test.

This has

Included medical examinatlons, treatment, medication and, where necessary,

to hospltals


in the United States for special medical and surgical

While these efforts are antirely motivated by concern for

the welfare of the people,

it was recognized that cooperating with the

periodic medical visits might constitute an inconvenlence to Individual

nearsons; accordingly, in 1974 the AEC pald the Utirik people $18,000 as

Select target paragraph3