forz:tion flyizz some of the samples should be almost identical, so
that wae actual spread in the data may not be a true index of the
ranc—mess of sanpling.

By comparison, the excepted samples should

affcri an insient into the representativeneas of the others,




Only zed Flight aircraft approached the planned operational
Fail-re to attain the -l-nned exposure in the other flights

ig reziected in the lower sample sizes which they obtained.

ked Flight

expcs.c28 were i= the 3 to 4 roentgen level, White Flight in the



to 1 -centgen level, and Blue Flight in the 0.2 to 0.4 roentgen level.

Beca.z2 the aircraft were carefully

hand-polished by the F-8hG per-

sonne_. the cockrit background was very much lower than expected.


si wh
” et


total -ediation exposures.were therefore approximately Lot leas than

had tein anticipeted.

In view of the fact that these aircraft saw

radizz.con intensities in excess of 500 rfhr, the low exposures achieved
by Fei Flight should be considered a testimony to the skill of its pilots.

Effectiveness of Shielded Flight Clothing

Use c? the shielded flicht clothing by Ked Flight apparently
gave zi-ut a four- to five-fold reduction in radiation exposures.


effect iid not arrear to be significant for waite Flight, although for
3lue ZLekt there again appeared to be a significant protection,


eTOte=_cno afforizd to Red Flight apparently corresponds to evidence
that 2 ccnsideratie fraction of the radiation flux in the cloud during

Red F_=t penetr-tions may be due to the decay of U9 which gives a


Select target paragraph3