* U.8. GOVERNMENT FAINTING OF FICE: Mrs. Ruth Van Cleve FH 7E-EO3-897 ~2—_——_———_——__—— CONCURRMENCES Islands generally and for residents of the atolls of Likiep, Wotje, Afiluk, Jemo, Mejit and Enewetak specifically, particularly for those who were on Likiep, Wotje, Ailuk, Jemo and Mejfit atolls at the time of the testing. 2) That the Department of Interior obtain records of Trust Territory referrals of cancer cases to hospitals at Guam and Panope, and at the Trippler Hospital fn Honolulu. 3) ———_—_—_— TG. SYMBOL OTT: PAD et re es oe IMITIALS/ BIG, Wachholz eeeeet a ee — 8/2/79 RTG. S¥MBOL OHER: HHAD at ee ee ge a Weyzen That the Department of Energy conduct a survey of the appropriate population of Likiep atoll as soon as possible, but probably in the October-December 1979 time frame. This survey | would be based upon the information already obtained by the Marshall Islands Government, but would enlarge upon that in both form and substance. All relevant persons would be interviewed. omer DATE /_ 1/79 ATG, SYMBOL OESD (ee eee IMITIAKS/ BIG. [McCraw CATE In addition, at the appropriate time we would request that the proper authorities in the Marshall Islands inform and explain to the appropriatg/__//9_ people what activities and studies will be conducted, the reasons for OFSD them, and what the people may expect to occur. MSRITTACET BIST G. SYMBOL The information obtained from Likiep and from the records requested should serve to indicate the extent to which populations on other atolls (e.g., Afluk, Wotje, Mejit) similarly may need to be surveyed. Deal. CATE / /79 fp RTG. EYMEOL OMS : AD 4) Depending upon information obtained via 1, 2, and 3 above, PIMITtALS/ sic. a medical team might be dispatched to the Likfep atoll during the Whitnah first half of calendar year 1980 1f Indicated by results of the survey. ee oe oe eee oeee DATE / {79 We feel that the above procedures--to identify the persons of potential | TG, SYMBOL concern, to obtain base line vital statistics, to obtain additional and ADASEV more thorough {information built upon the base already established prior) etn * to providing a medical team--will provide an assessment of and be responsive to the situation at Likiep in the most professional manner. We are préparing to move forward on item 3 above and will look forward _ to any information which can be obtained regarding 1 and 2 above, and the letter of June 29. | We trust that this proposed plan will meet the needs of the situation and be acceptable to the Department of Interior. INETIALS/ BIG. Hollister eee DATE / {79 ATG. SYMBOL ASEV IMITIALS/ BIG, Ly a ce meats gs Om ee Sincerel Criginal s ened by Ruth C. Clusen Environment Aegistant Secretary for bec: MDr. Weyzen, OHER “> Y. Deal, OESD Mr. McCraw, OESD aheeRuth C. Clusen Assistant Secretary for Environment Dr, Pratt, BNL Mr. Ray, NV Wachholz‘s Files Ciusen's Files DOE FORM AD-9 (1277) . were a, [areata oe a [eniriays/ sia. OFFICIAL FILE COPY . DATE a