3. 4. Use of film badge data at Rongerik to quantify the fallout building curve- upslope and downslope, and to extrapolate this information to Rongelap and Utirik. Determine the 6/y ratio and thus evaluate the contribution of $8 dose in estimating the y depth dose; Neptunium-239, 5. for example, the 8 activity dose due to Plot all the available data on external radiation and determine decay factors. The question to be raised will be: Do the data result in a curve similar to the estimates T-1.5 relationship, or does it exhibit different values, such as T-0.83, 6. T-1.2 due to weathering or other factors? Examine the question on internal dose estimations from, urine analysis, food ingestion, inhalation and data from animal studies. In this process all available information on diet and lifestyle would be compiled so as to derive realistic dose estimates from external and internal sources. 7. Examine other studies done elsewhere on the thyroid nodules, for example; the Chicago Group Study, and also the use of 1297 to determine the early thyroid doses. Historic samples collected soon after fallout will be used in determining the 129] concentrations. In addition, 99Tc would also be determined since it is known to be retained in the Shyroid gland. If possible, excised thyroid glands would also be studied 8. for 1 “TY concentrations. Use a "state-of-the-art" computer simulation program to determine the transport and deposition of radioactive fallout following the BRAVO test. This study should give: a. plots of integrated air concentration isopleths for fission products b. iodine, cesium and strontium deposition isopleths for the aforementioned fission products, ec. time plots of 239Np/239Pu if possible, and pius the buildup and decline of airborne fallout concentra— tions near sea level at the points of interest, and/or the building of ground deposited fallout. Status of Study: External Radiation Measurement Figure 1 shows a plot of the gamma dose rate in roentgens per hour at three feet above ground at 24 hours after the BRAVO test explosion. Figure 2 shows the estimated and for the Utirik inhabitants. total dose contours in roentgens at 96 hours after the BRAVO test explosion indicating 175 rads of whole body gamma radiation for the Rongelap inhabitants 14 rads In view of these observations, an exhaustive search of all reports generated Tables 2 and 3 for Rongelap and Utirik respectively. Figures 3 and 4. OO a net = co 7 This data has been plotted in These plots will be further examined when results from Item 8 above will be received. ma fy 1.