Hugh Pract he or. ifutual responsibiictle a uthorities will be clearly defined within cane general ned above and in consonance with our subath contract with The details wiil be discussed with vou and Mr. 5 Honolulu prior to you rotrip to Majurc, and on Kwajaiein. i Dite of some of the probiems S that have arisen during a difficuiz ind hectic pre-contract period, T am optimistic the: OCtterman wili work with us and be an asset to DOE efforts in the Marshalls. zt is my job te develop the necessary structure and guidelines to see that that occurs. £ very much iook :eorward to discussions with you and Mr. schedule permits when you get to Honolulu. All Otterman as your of us share your interest, enthusiasm and Initiatives in the continuation and success of BNL’S work for the DOE in the Marshalls. Best regards, and a Happy Apliday to you all, Wy Director OP-1001 HUB:idh ce: M. E. Gates, Roger Ray, R.W. Dr. Vaft, Manager/NVv APO/NV AM/PE&B/NV W. oH. Weyzen, DOE/HQ. + oe Joe Deal, DOE/iIO Ts 50089496 "