Diet and Lifestyle Study

All available reports concerning fallout on Ailinginae, Rongelap,
Rongerik and Utirik have been examined and pertinent information
has been collated into one location.
The data collected concerns
external radiation measurements, radionuclide concentrations in
soil, water, vegetation, animals and food items.
In additicn.

efforts are being made to collect information on whole body

analysis and bioassay samples.


A recent diet and lifestyle study completed in November 1978 will
provide a firm basis to estimate internal and external doses.


1297 study

Historic samples collected by University of Washington during the
period 1954-1974 have been analyzed for 1297

(Table 4).


samples are also being analyzed for 99Tc.
Information from Item 8
(Methods of Study) will be required to correlate the findings.

Additional samples from these areas

(Rongelap, Ronerik,

will be analysed for 1291 and 99Tc if required.


In addition, we

are exploring the possibility of analyzing "Bikini-ash''-the fallout

that settled on "The Lucky Dragon".

This sample should provide the

most accurate description of the fallout.

‘State-of-the-Art’ Computer Simulation

All available data pertaining to meteorological conditions before,

during and after the BRAVO test have been collected and transmitted
to Lawrence Livermore Laboratory for

the computer analysis.

results should be available by February/March 1979.

A recent Marshall Islands Radiological survey completed



December 1978 should provide iso-dose lines for recent times.
Comparison of the two plots shouid be very valuable in assessing 1954

Discussions are being continued with the scientists and technical people who

were involved during Operation Castle.

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