

_ “EOLLi


A408 39


—tie 1


——Hyy. | SUBJECT:

Subsontrast 106 - Cooper Development Corporation



February 21, 1998

an «Appendices B, ¢ and D covered costs for developing, providing and firing rockets
leo @¥ Bardtack. Results of experimental firings indicated that LOT roekets would

sfulwy befoliawing ie the best possible esteuste of wattecipated costa
_ w
_thet could be developed with Gnoper. As of February 19, 1956, fee bas been set

elutovoamaee ast is uot included in this 4istheeion.


Funds availiabie for direct charges

Costs vouchered as of Jarmary 31, 1958

Purchase Order comaitaents not yet vouchered

Total comaitted as of February 19, 1994

Unobligated funds es of February 19, 1958
Cost Satimates to Completion UsingRIV Motors
Will make 60 motor cases

Will load 54 motors - will send 46 to EPG - will
vee 8 for batch teste

Will ship 6 cases only to JPL to replace 2 RIV
loaded unites obtained from JPL

January 31 to February 15 - Labor plus Overhead Costs
RIV costs per above


122 LOKI rounds charged to Subcontract


100, O00.,.00

ki, 000.00

96 have been shipped to EPG

26 have been converted and/or fired
EPO crew cost reserve



G&A and overhemi


18, 720.60

Estimated Total


(2 months each for 15 men)

Reserve ~- Man hours and miscellaneous eosts for

final report. data analysis, including

Estimated wiebilgated balance

$ 209,720.00
50, 586.42

Select target paragraph3