JUK ° % 1952

Romerable Crue Lewis
Assistant Secretary

of the Interior
Departaent of the Interior

Washington 25, D. C.

Le ances

Tear Mr. Lewis:

The enclosure forwarded with your letter of May 13, 195k

enumerates correctly, insofar es the Atemic Energy Commission
is able te ascertain, the measures which are currently being
undertaken by the Coomander in Chief, Pasific for the resettlemant of the natives evacuated from Yongelap and Utirik.

The Commander in Chief, Pneific has indicated that he would
implement, with assistance from the Atomic Znergy Comission,
such measures 88 are required in resettling the Marshallese.

This position has been concurred in by the Chief of Haval

With primary responsibility fer this matter residing in the
Fomander in Chief, Pagifie, it is apparent that the Atomic

Energy Commission is not in a peaition to assure that all
details outlined in Mr. Midkiff's letter will be executed.

dowever, since the Cormander in Chief, Pacific has requested
that be be given responsibility for these matters with the
exception of the continued medical care of these sarshall
Island residents, and the Chief of Naval Operations has
concurred, there can be little doubt of his willingness to

fulfill the obligations entailed in the resettlenent of the


Insofar as continuedmedicalehecks are concerned, the Atomic

EnergyCommissionhas accepted this responetbaliey LPs Bugher,

our Director of the Division of Biologya
discussed with the High ComdsaionerTrustTerritory of

the sacific Islands possible means ofimplementing thisCayuission responsibility. In addition, the Comission will insure

CAM OW rae.




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