production program, Weapons program, and reactor program.
“section was given by a representative of the respective divisions
and followed the pattern of the briefing given to the Admimpistrator
of FCDA and his top staff in April.
Transmittal of Weapons Test Information.



cooperative arrangement between AEC and the Department of
(Armed Forces Special Weapons Project) under which informafion is

transmitted to the Federal Civil Defense Administration onfweapons
effects data is continuing. Earlier in the year, the Joing Chiefs
of Staff issued a directive under which AFSWP operates in providing
classified weapons test information to FCDA. Subsequentlyg
recommended that discussions be held between the three agehhcies to
determine future policy in this area. Concurrence of thisl proposal
was given in a letter from the Chairman of the Commission

Department of Defense (AFSWP), and the Chief of the Civil

Liaison Branch was named as the Comnission representative,

Instrument and Source Loans.

the following loans were made:




During [the month,

Instruments ~- Delaware Civil Defense Organization

Cobalt 60 Source - New Hampshire Civil Defense Organfzation.

This represents the first loan of a high intensity (5 curfes)

Cobalt 60 source to a State group for the purpose of calibrating

their civil defense radiological detection instruments
extension of the cooperative AEC-FCDA program to assist

is an
SBate and

local civil defense bodies in their training and operations

Conference on Administration of Research.



Seventh Annual Conference on Administration of Research
heid on
August 31, September 1 and 2, at the University of Califdqrnia,
Berkeley, California. These conferences which are not sgonsoredby
any Single organization, but are an outgrowth of mutual jnterests,
include representatives from government, industry, and
desirous to exchange views and information on their problems and
experiences in the administration of research. The needffor such
meetings became apparent when a number of scientists invplved in
research assignments found that most of their time was spent in
administering research. Research administration was recbgnized as







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