= = ee eee OMS We Boyer, am 0:BugsyALD.» Dis “uu - oe eek . ‘ = vision of Biology and Medd J > OCHESS REPORT, SEPTEMBER 19 53 -- MONTHLY STATUS AND DIVISION OF BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE this docyment consists of wo. |of| Pys.sectes GDL BMA :RON Pages and Progress Rep prt for this Transmitted herewith is the Monthly Status oe Se oe Division covering the month of September 1953. Enclosure: Report wa ccfined CC: J. H. Burchard Bos mittal Brenner - sara eneicsure“y ang wero r al Monecrt Olfice of Gene Lecelved fa . Cieeeeae Poeecanranrer ee! to A JS heaho: CONFIRMED TO /oM o 7BO, Yl 2 Times mosonsain*> ~OnAt BE UNCLASSIFIED DOE/OFFICE OF DECLASSIFICATION H.R. SCHMIDT, A.D.D. MPLAb refpfey OPENNET ENTRY oO Authorized for Public Release By: Entered In OpenNet By’ . Date: Date. Ci Not Authorized tor Public Release By. Date: _ RG US DOE ARCHIVES $26 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY Collection COMMISSION _ LA Box [ “older // —a ——— —~- GY HDCT 1500 ee