

JAE A SM. 224/607

LARSEN ct al

Paditton alone seldom develop hypothyroidism. Tloweves, there aie wo


Populations of paticnts whe may develop hy pudhycomisus dodlowing cadcunal

other radiation syadiomes such as radioedermalils, epilation, decrease of
leucocytes, decicuse Of sperutalodua, ete tlic capoocd Matshallese?

fadiition therapy. thusc with head gad weck tumours whe received rudiation
therapy Jollowing surgical daniputation, and those with maligna byopliouia

RA CONARD. ‘fhe Ghyroid doses ua tie Marshallese were based primarily
on sadia-todine mcaswicuents a usime LS days afles exposure. Uncertupitics

treated wiih audition therapy after lyimploungiogiaphy. Sace hy pothycodisan

iichided Joagih of tame of die tall out, delative absorption foi iibalation versus

bo usually ussocmted with Jiugh doses of radiation to dhe thytou, row do you

Wigestiud, cle

accound fat your Jindungs with low doses?

received shoukht be more acumale, as Ehey aren agrecament with elie values

Therefore the doses are sulyeod tu con

Phe gama doses

cstimbaded fiunm the degree of haematological changes observed.
The skid lesions, eptlatian and diaemutobogical effects in the Marshallese

R.A CONARD: In our studies we are using very semstlive ests for Ubyroid
function, aad our findings adicate only biochemical or subclinical by pothyramdinin
at prescad He these sensitive fests Were uscd in Ollice Gases following exterial

wee sitilug fo those aepurted by your gloup bor the Japanese fabermcn and
have been desceibed elewhere. We were nul able fo do sperm counts on the

lidtdiaiion, perhaps such cllects maght be demonsteable.
Y. NISHH WAKE. Falso conducted a analysis in Japan of the highly


No duubl there nist have been some degree of sclative sterility

Jadiodclive loll out un the Japanese fishing buat thal was engaged wm lishing

soul alicr expusure, Chough an subsequent years leduihity dacs nol appear lu

about 80 YU miles cast Ol Bikini al the time of the thermonuctear test conducted

have becu mupaited.

carly nthe mouuag of | Marcli 1954, and which relurtied to Japan in the uidule
Ol the sasie moat

According do the statements of some of the crew, a few

Nous altce dhe dhegionuchcar delonation i Bikin the whitish dust begati lo
full on the boat su leavily that fora pesod they couki hardly bear to open their
cyes aml mouihs. 1 comtiaued to fall for several hours

Some of the caew

appurcntly Gasted ad, do see what was, without Knowmg (lati was buglily
fadivactive, Owing to the ditficubly af dose estamation without mare accurate
Worden Oo the wid condidios, the padtouctive Lafbout conditions on (he
Doal were cApeumicntally ceproduced ¢

36 Mayusha, die clue! physician i

charee of treatment of the exposed crew at the Tokyo Univenuty Hospital,
ising pulverized coraliecel.

Phis expoermcnt was cuted out in the presence of

the crew us wilitesses af the actual ammvunt of ast which had tallen on the bout
Phis anita was Chen estimated do be about 3.58 8.92 ing/em?. ‘Phe radioactivity
of the veh was estiamatcad by extrapolation lo be about | Ci/g af he dime et fell
onthe bout. Takiag tate comsideea ton varigus possible exposure conditions
Gl dle crow duaing the voyage, the probable gaia duse was eslumated do be
tu the range 170) 600 rad


The degree of ducertaiity was dar greater tor the
taiternal dose. ‘The loag-tved cadionuchates detected in organs such as the diver
nay weeks later could nud be cumsidercd (he only suueces of witeraal exposure.


Depending ou the usstiited degree al muti migorpourmation of short-Hved radio-



aucthies, a Wide Lange of colimales was possible. for the liver, a tew fads boa
few fens of thousands ofrads, the probable dose mange bemmg 1O- 10* tads; and
for bone aad bone uianmow, few rads Co about OU rads. If we assume a nun
Unitouoily factor ol dive boc boas, the dose estimation could be five tunes
Bighey. bag pleased to see that the thyiuid doses you estimated in your report
corecspharkd nboge Ga fess fo our estimidtes aw oider of magnitude Hlowever, |
aotuine there would be same uncertuiaty in this dype of dose estupation Whal
fevel ob accunicy do you dssigal to your dase estimation? Dad you also observe



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