. ..- ,-, ----- ----- ---- . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . -4- INPUT DATA Surface meteorological observations the U.S.S. Curtiss which cruised fall the debris rapidly surface, upper from were available from some atolls and from south of Bikini; however, cloud to the surface since the larger and spend little particles time near the are the not many surface reports were used. Of far greater importance . air wind observations taken at four sites near Bikini atoll. Other significant input data consisted (north=south), cell sizes of 34 km (east-west) and 1 km in the vertical, stabilization individual of a flat topography, time, source nuclides, rates and particle for stem both and cap debris gross size spectrum fission by 17 km cloud geometries products and due to gross at selected parameters. CALCULATIONS Gross Fission Products The products shown time-integrated from detonation in Fig. 1. inte=~ated For Strauss[6] Rongelap for only distance dose pattern to evacuation next (in rads) time of Rogelap to Ailinginae, values up to the time p“eople were evacuated comparison, are given the and Ailinginae Utirik value in Table 1. are lower. total Note dose, that the calculations The code calculations This variation variation wind observations of However, atolls. estimates. “tuning’!; also a possible the time The numbers at odds with earlier those external were from the atolls of concern) appears in wind directions from the U.S.S. Rongerik, fission atolI (5 I hours) are and Utirik atolls are from those atolls. estimated by agreement Dunning is very for Rongerik for Rongerik may be an explanation. for are higher, while a problem and speeds at late south good and and Utiri!< are to be in part Curtis, [51 of times when of Bikini (some .-. .