to participate.

Participation for the ORANGE shot was similar to that for TEAK, except

that only one. (1) rehearsal was held and it was necessary to change the
H-Hour position of the P2V in order for the project to obtain usable data.
The P2V aircraft was positioned by an air controller in the Air Operaticns
Center aboard the USS BOXER for the YUCCA Event but positioned itself by
its own airborne radar on the TEAK and ORANGE shots.

On both of these

shcts, an MSQ-1A radar helped the P2V to positively mark his position after

H-Hour on the last two (2) events.

See Figure 9 for a summary of the fly-

ing activities of the P2V during its participation in Operation HARDTACK.
The Air Research and Development Command was responsible for furnish- #


ing the aircraft comprising the Very High/Ultra High Altitude Element.
This respensibility was passed to AFSWC at Kirtland AFB,
arrived at the Eniwetok Proving Ground in March 1958,

to support Projects 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4.

These aircraft

These aircraft were’

The respective interests of these

projects were thermal radiation measurements, early firetall photography
and thermal radiation spectrum measurements.

These projects satisfied

their requirements through special photographic equipment which was in-

stalled or. the aircraft.

« «

After YUCCA, it was decided that Project 4.1,

which was interested in retinal burns caused by a high altitude nuclear
detonation, would place rabbits aboard thé B-36's in such a way as would
expose them to retinal burns from the detcnaticn,

After arrival at Eniwetok, the B~36's began to practice for the YUCCA

This event was the detonation of a small nuclear device carried

alceft by a free balloon to an altitude of between 80,000 and 90,000 feet.


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