
“EePKR TT ay

During the month of April the missicr. requiremerts were accelerated

rom the one (i) per day planned to two (2) per day.

On 20 April, the

mission schedule was boosted up to three (3) missions per day, two (2)
early mcrning flights and cne (i) afterroon flight, with take-off times
at 0430 and 0500 fcr the morning flights and 1630 for the evening flight.

In May, the Weather Reconnaissance Element flew seventy-eight
missions of which seventy-three were weather reconnaissance missions,

four (4) were cioud sampler missions and cre (1) was a three (3) hour radsafe mission combined with a weather recorzaissance.

Only one (1) late

take-off occurred during May ard six (€) aborts were experienced.

of the aborts were beyone mission credit point.


Two flights aborted short

of missiors credit but were not required to be made up.
For the month of May, mission requirements for D minus 2 and D ninis I

days were increased t< three (3} fcr eazh day.

Three missions were flown

on eighteen days in May, two (2) missions on eleven (11) days and one (1)
missicn cn twe (2) days.

The element maintained the capability for three’

(3) missions per day throughout the menth bit a lull in shooting activity
during the middle cf the month resulted in several days when orly two (2)
missions per day were required,
During the menth of June, seventy-nine missions were flown, seventyone being weather missions. four

(4) :zloud sampler missions, three (3)

cyclone reconraissanve missions and one (1) ferry


There was only

cne (1) late take-off during this pericdsand of nine (9) aborts five (5)

cccurred pris: to missicr. credit poirt.

Orly four (4) of these five (5)

required a make ap flight to complete the mission.

One ferry mission

was flowr as a resiit of an aircraft aborting the trazk and landing at
Wake Island.

The aircraft was farried tc Hickam for repairs and later flew

a Weather mission or the return flight tc Encwetoke









Select target paragraph3