In June 1957, the Commander, JTF-SEVEN advised of a planned construction conference to be held in the EPG during the Spring of 1958,
Accordingly, considerable thought was given to additional construction
requirements, over and above those listed in letter, Headquarters, Task

Group 7.4, Subject:
August 1956,

Task Group 7.4 Development Plan (Revised), 15

In addition, the Test Base Unit (4951st Sunvort Squadron

(Test) was advised to begin considering its requirements for additional

construction in the EPG.
In March and April 1958 several conferences were held in the EPC,
attended by representatives of Headquarters, Task Group 7.4, Test
Base Unit, Test Aircraft Unit and Test Services Unit.

From these

meetings was formated an overall construction plan which included all
construction items not scheduled for completion in FY58, plus a number
of new projects.

All of these projects were re-considered as to

validity and were listed in the order of priority for completion.

(See figure 21).


This listing was submitted to the Commander, JTF-

SEVaN, by our letter, Subject:

Task Group 7.4 Construction Plan for

the Period Ending 1 July 1962, dated 12 April 1958.
During the JTF-S"VEN Construction Conference, held in April 1°58,
the construction programs of all Task Groups was presented to and
justified before representatives of JTF-SEVEY.

Upon completion of this

conference, JTF={SEVEN consolidated all requirements, in the agreed
order of priority for completion, and forwarded them to the Chairman,

USANC, by letter, file Comi/600.1, dated 28 June 1958,




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