to the EPG during the period 1 January 1958 through 30 A-ril 1958.


mjority of this cargo was aircraft support kits and spare aircraft
engines, which was shipped direct from SMAMA.

All Special Purpose Vehicles, van type trailers and other heavy
equipment was moved to the Port of "Embarkation, Faval Supply Center at
Oakland, California via rail, commerical truck or drive away.


equinment was shipped via MSTS surface lift to the EPG,
Transportation of Task Group 7.4 personnel and cargo to Bikini and
the Weather Rad-Sefe Islands was arranged by the Task Group 7.4
Transportation Control Agent who was the Task Group 7.4 Transportation


The Task Group 7.4 (TCA) received requests for movement by

phone and forwarded them to the JTF-SEVEN (STCA) by phone.
Bikini was twice daily.

Service to

Service to the Veather-xad Safe Islan’s was


Movement of passengers to the CCMUS from the "PG was accelerated in

July ard August.

When a total of over 900 versons were shipped via

These nersonnel were booked thrcugh the Army Transportation


MATS scheduled one wc three flights a day with a canicity of

57 persons per aircraft to move these ~-rsonnel.

The shipping section of the 4S51st Support Squadron (Test) erranged
for receiving high-value carge to be shipped by air.

The Transportation

Officer, Task Group 7.4, and the Shipping Cfficer, Test Base Unit,
screened this cargo to restrict it to priority cargo.

The majority of

roll-up air cargo was shipped in August and September 1958,
The majority of the heavy roll-up items such as vehicles, van
trailers and large crates were shipped on the USS BRCSTROM which departed the EPG in late August 195€.

This cargo was turned over to

the shipping section of the 495l1st Support Scuadron (Test) who in turn





Select target paragraph3