aircraft from Hawaii to tr: C 'VS via surface lift.

Special arrarge-

ments were made with JTF-SIV=" Surface Transportation Section to ship

these aircraft aboard the aircraft carrier USS BOXER as opportune surface lift.

Four (4) H-21 helicopters, three (3) H-19B helicopters, five (5)
F-6 Refueling Units and 84 tons of general cargo was shipped to Japan
via surface lift in late Aurust and early September 1958.


Figure 2Q Water Cargo Eastbound.)
Section G = Summary
A total of 119 general purpose vehicles were issued to Task Group


They were distributed among the major units 2nd the Task Group

Headquarters, according to their requirements as follows:

Has. TG 7.4









A few minor adjustments in aliocations between units were mede the first
month of the operaticr.
Special Purpese Vehicie support was provided to the Task Group by
arranging for shipment of 144 pieces of equipment to the EPG in January

50% of these vehicles were issued on a verm.nent basis and the

reminder dispatched on cail as required by Meintenance Control Unit.
The movenent of approximately 1200 paggengers from their home
station in the ZI to the arrival Fort of Embarkation at Travis AFB was
accomplished by Unit aircraft ard commerical transportation.


transportation Section Task Group 7.4 arranged for booking of these
personnel on MATS with JTF-SEVEN Liaison Officer at Travis.
Approximately 350 tons of air cargo was shipped out of Travis AFB

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