Ti... move

°+ of air freight wac slow during the months August 1957

through Nove

2957 and averaged only ten (10)

December, the air tonnage picked up.

tens a month,


January, February, March, April

and May were peak months averaging 85 tons per menth,
The movement of Task Group 7. passengers via MATS was accomplished

in an orderly manner,

About 100 airmen of the 4952nd Support Squadren

were shipped in November and December 1957 to augment the 4951st
Support Squadron (Test).

In January 1958, the Advance Echelons of the

various elements started to move and peak months were February ard

Elements were responsible for movement of their personnel from

home station to the Aerial Port at Travis Air Force Base, California.
Some of the elements used aircraft of their own Command in moving
personnel to the port,

Others usec cormercial transportation.

Personnel °

from Hq, Task Group 7.4, 4926th Test Scuadron (Sampling), and 4$52r4
Support Squadron were moved to Travis AFB in seroups of 20 by C-47 sir-

craft furrished by AFSWC.

A total of 1200 Tas: Group 7.4 persornel

were moved to the ™PG via MATS,
In the Westbound Air Cargo, it will be rcted there is a posi in the
months of January, February and March, which was the shippirg cf "B"
kits for the elements ard other supvort equirprert for the start of the

Also rote another build-up in Westbcund Air Cargo shipments

in May and June.

This was due tc the shipmert cf replacement aircraft

engines by air from the depot to the EPG.,

(See figure 15, Air Cargo

The Chart on Westbound Air Passenger Movement shows a peak in
January, February and March which is when the miority of the 1200
passengers moved by MATS had reached the EPG.

Then another build-up is

indicated on the chart in June ard July in the Vestbound Air Passerger






Select target paragraph3