the minufacture required 90 days to fabricate ard deliver,


contrclled carnabilization was practiced in order to ccintsin acceptable
equipment readiness rates.

The spare parts suppcrt of special purpcse

and aircraft ground support equipment could be imrroved by earlier
determination of spares to be pre-positioned and tirely initiation of
supply actions.

A small number of urits sustaired minor damage in shipment, which
was corrected as the urits were prepared for operation.

The irstances

of injury to urits due to mishandling or carelessness in the SFC were rare.

A vehicle and aircraft ground power equiprent inspector was dispatched
from Sacramento Air Materiel Depot at the end cf the test ph'se to determine serviceability ard disposition of excess equipment.

The result cf


this inspection wis the salvaging of aprreximtely forty (40) wits of
special purpose vehicles ard aircraft ercurd powered eyuipmen


balance of units were returned to SMAMA for rereir ard return te stecr.
A high per

vage of this salvaged ecuirment wes a firect resvls ci

oecticn E - Cormmurications
During the early part of «he operaticnr, dsily, weekly ar¢e



preventative maintenance schedules for the corzuricatiors ard ar/Uscradar equipment within the ACC was devised.

Fcrturately, with vt cre

exception, erough backup equipment was avsilstle so thrt ovtares were
held to an absolute minimum.

The bul of meirterarce was acconrlished

on an aS required basis, we did, however schedule meinterarce to the
extent that back-up equipment and operational ccmmitrents would pervit.
The Field Maintenance Communications Shops rairtained the airbcrre
cormunications and radar equipment as well as the vehicle rawiio sets.
In the interest of expediency, melfunctioring urits were removed fren







Select target paragraph3