As a result of a requirement to fly weather recorraissence rissicrs
in the Johnston Island area in support of Operaticn NEWSREEL, it was

decided that the Weather Reconnaissance Element (Provisional)


maintenance capability would move. to Hickam AFB, TH.
Plans, which were formulated in June 1958, provided that weather
reconnaissance missicns would be launched
at Hickam AFB -»nd vice-versa.

from Eriwetck ard terminated

Missions were so sche"uled *hat er air-~

craft due for a periodic inspection would land at Hickam i°B and go
into the periodic maintenance facility for necessary inspecticn and

The home bese of the Weather Reconnaissance Element (Provisional)

was Hickam AFB where permanent type facilities, i.e. hargars, work
space, etc, were available.

Two (2) officers, 139 airmen ard equinment

were roved from Eniwetok to Fickam AFB during July 1958 to establish
the periodic maintenance fecility.

Periodic irspection of the first

We-50 aircraft commenced on 16 July 1°58.
Secticn D - Special Purpose Vehicle and Aircraft Cround Suprert
Equipment Mairterence
The tctal units of Special Purpese Vehicles and Aireraft Greene

Sunport Zcuipment maintained was three hurdred and ferty-two (242).
These units were maintained in © common peol tc facilitate operational
cortrel and maintenance.

Salt water ecrrosion was urvoidahle ard required the v:penditure

of considerable maintenance men heurs te rinirize the effects.


equipment feilure is attributable to corresion.
Another ccrtiruirg problem was the lead tire required to precure

replacerert parts and spares from local purchase sources.

Many local

purchase items were obtainable froma single scurce and in sore czses





Select target paragraph3