ment and all other classes of proerty required in the EPG.

The des-

ignation of all mission essential items at the time requirements
listings were submitted permitted the Liaison Officer to utilize
effectively the short lead time to insure shipment of these specific


As a result, all essential item requirements were satisfied

and 92% support was provided on all other requirements.

Late identification of some participating elements resulted in
crash development of requirements for these elements.

In these cases

there was insufficient time for the Headquarters to screen thoroughly
"BY" kit listings for completeness, accuracy and adequacy of quantities.

AS a consequence some excesses were procured.
The format for submission of requirement could be improved as


Prepare the "B" kit in sections:

Section 1, a listing of


peculiar aircraft spares, Section 2, cost category 3 and all classes
of expendable supplies except office supplies and common Army/Air Force
blank forms; Section 3, all office supp’ies, furniture, machines and
equipment, and Section 4, special purpose vehicles, general purpese
vehicles, aircraft ground support equipment, test equipment and special

The "B" kit listing should, contain only items not available

from the element and home station assets.
The provisioning of the 6th Weather Squadron was handled separetely
from all other elements.

All requirements were obtained at or throuch

OCAMA, segregated into site kits by the 6th Weather Squadron and shipped
to the EPG.
tain five (5)

These requirements include all property necessary to susseparate off-—island camp sites,

Upon conclusion of pre-

vious operations, this property was returned to supply stocks.


headquarters proposed that upon completion of this Operation, all reuseable property be retained and shipped to CCAMA for rehabilitation




Select target paragraph3