unit provides a central supply control point on a year around basis
and insures continuity of supply procedures during both interim and

operational periods.

The Air Force Base Supply (AFB 2872) was organized and operated in
accordance with Air Force Manual 67-1.

The Base Supply manning was

augmented to provide the capability to process the 26,000 lineitems of
incoming supplies and equipment.

The augmentation personnel were re~

quired throughout the operation including the roll-up phase.

The Materiel Control Unit closely monitored the issue of supplies,
expedited priority requirements and furnished supply assistance to the
element supply agencies.

The staff supply officer monitored the overall supply effectiveness,
initialed procedures and polices as needed to improve supply service,
developed new requirements for the extended operational phase and
Cperation NEWSREEL, provided guidance and assistance and monitored the
materiel roll up program.
Section C - Special Supply Procedures
Materiel requirements for Operation HARDTACK were daveloped as

Each participating element developed materiél requirements

based on 120 days operation in the EPG.

These requiremenis excluded

POL and spare engines, refueling units, fire trucks, special ard
general purpose vehicles which were developed by Task Group 7.4.
element requirements were submitted as "4" and "B" kits.


The "A" kits

consisted of enroute and immediate requirements on arrival in the ER.
The "A" kit contained primarily aircraft spares, blank forms, lixnited
office supplies plus aircraft ground support equipment not included in
the "Bt kit,

The "B" kit consisted of 120 days aircraft spares, air~

craft ground support equipment that could not be furnished by the els-


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Select target paragraph3