of requirements for supplies, maintenance, aircraft parking, trans-

portation, work and cffice space.

During the months of November 1957

through January 1958, supply and equipment requirements lists were
submitted by the elements, reviewed by the Task Group materiel office
and forwarded to the Task Group Logistics Liaison Office at SMAMA,
for requisitioning and shipment to the Eniwetok Proving Grounds.


office was the Task Group's single point of contact with the AMC
supply and maintenance system.

As a result of the late assignment of

some elements to the Task Group, and the resulting delay in submission
of support requirements some parts of the procurement program reached

crash action proportions.

A major factor in the timely solution of

this problem was the fact that the key personne] in the Task Group
Logistics Office at SMAMA had previous experience on Operation REDWING.
Results in the logistics support area were good; aircraft incommision
rate was 83.34; ACCP rate was1.9 %; and emergency supply support was

The key to the efficiency of the logistics support of Operaticn

HARDTACK was the Maintenance Control Unit which was manned by personnel
of the Task Group plus a number of augmentation personnel from Task

Group elements.
Of continuing concern was the monitoring of various aircraft
modification programs.

In some cases the late finalizaticn of modifi-

cation requirements resulted in crash programs.

In addition consider-

able delay was encountered in negotiating pith the modification activities in the firming up of realistic completion dates.

By continual

monitoring of the various modification programs, all aircraft were able
to meet required Eniwetok Froving Grounds in-place dates.
The establishment and cperation of the Task Group Maintenance
Control Unit was begun during Operation REDWING.




Utilizing the

Select target paragraph3