Chapter 10 ~ Typical Nuclear Test Event

ACT 1954


The following pages illustrate the preparation and execution of a
typical nuclear test event from the standpoint of Task Group 7.) Operations.
The ROSE Event was selected for portrayal.

The test will be covered fron

the preparation of the operation order to the debriefing and critique after
the last aircraft had landed,
The test aircraft participation was decided upon prior to the operational phase of HARDTACK and was outlined in Annex B to Task Group 7.)

Operation Plan 1-58,

The participating aircraft, the projects which they

supported and the general purposes for their participation were outlined
Occasionally, changes to the test array as

outlined in Operation Plan 1-58 were made.

The only change for ROS2 was


in the referenced document.

the addition of a Task Group 7.3 P2V, whose mission was flying a rad-~safe
barrier partrol post H-Hour to the array.
By D minus three (3) days, a supplementary operation order was published for each test event.

The order for ROSZ, Task Group 7.1: Operation

Order 18-58, was first published six (6) days prior to the actual cetonation.

Some difficulty was experienced in obtaining positioning data and a

safety certificate for these planned positions prior to original publication date of the supplementary operation order.

The positioning data anc

safety certifications were the responsibility of Task Group 7.1.


difficulty in obtaining this data from T4sk Group 7.1 was unavoidable in
most instances due to "D" days for shots on which the projects wanted to
participate being scheduled close together.

Frequently there was insuffi-

cient time to reduce data gathered on one (1) shot in time to produce


positioning criteria in a timely fashion for the next shot.




On ROS2, this

Select target paragraph3