Chapter 7 - °


Communications for Operation HARDTACK were planned and installed

to provide:

essential air navigational aids for safe and efficient

operation of aircraft; rapid and dependable communications with agencies
both outside and inside the Test Area; control and precision positioning

of all aircraft participating in a test event.

Other factors which had

to be evaluated in planning communications and electronics (C & E)
facilities were the heavy atmospheric radio noise on high frequencies,

the very humid climate and the highly corrosive atmosphere present in
the EFC,
During Operation NEWSREEL aircraft were controlled over a much
greater range than during previous tests.

This control situation was


complicated by the complete loss of all sky wave radio propagation which z
occurred simultaneously with detonation of the high altitude devices.


more complete discussion of all Task Group 7.4 communications is presented

in the following paragraphs.


The responsibility for providing and operating all ARTC communications

and air navigational aids for Task Group 7.4 was delegated to the AACS
Comminications Element.

ARTC traffic for flights outside the test erea

was transmitted to Kwajalein Center using one

high frequency single side band system.

(1) voice circuit on the

Early difficulties in maintain-

ing contact on this circuit made it necessary to establish a back-up
radio circuit from Eniwetok Approach Corftrol to Kwajalein Center.


route traffic for weather islands, such as flight plans for resupply

aircraft was transmitted through the Weather Island "Weather and Rad-Safe"



Select target paragraph3