craft from Eniwetok was handled by the Enivetok Air Operaticns Center.

Ccntrol of the aircraft passed frou one center to the other at a point
approxirately 100 miles east of Enivetok.

Additionally, information was

relayed between the Commander, Task Group 7.4 in the Enivetok Air Operations
Center and his representative aboard the USS BOXER.
The control of Task Group 7.4 aircreft flying lecally on non-shot
days was exercised by the cortrollers in the Enivetok Air Operations
Center, assisted by Air Force Controllers operating in the Bikini Air
Operations Center.
To carry out the responsibility cf controlling aircraft entering
ard departing the Eniwetok Control Area it was necessary to make an
arcreement with Kwajalein cn prevedvres to be followed in the


n and the Eniweatol: Air Operations


cf control of aircraft between Kuajal



Additionally, the Waxe FIR was extended southward tc verder or



Enivetce Control Area and therefore sirilar arrangements had tc te

made with the

CAA authorities at Wake.

To ‘nsure control cf all aire

cresy entering tre area, it was stipuiatcd that aircraft veoull xe
rmier it vwntil specific clearance to do sc had been

received from ths

Daivietex 402 either cirect or cy reiay througn the Hwajeiein Area Core
trol Canter orm the Wake CAA Center.
To insure sefety of crews and passenscrs froz. possitie flash biinégness cr ciiexr effects of a detcnation in case of radio failure on th
aircralt, and to allow aircraft to clear to Erivetox fron distant stawma

tions like llawaii and Guam on a Del. Dar, a NOTA’. vas issued to all


7 ae
Len he ~






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