
to operate ti.


.-16's at maximum gross water landings and take-off weights

on most of the flights to these sites.

This was necessary to insure sufficient

fuel for return flights and still carry enough pay load to make the flichts


Continued operation under these conditions caused severe main-

tenance problems and caused. two (2) of the aircraft to be returned


for depot maintenance prior to completion of the test series.

During the NEWSREEL phase of HARDTACK, SC-54 aircraft and crews of

the 76th Air Rescue Squadron based at Hickam AFB assumed SAR responsiOne (1) SC-54 aircraft was kept at Johnston

Island during the build-up and operational phases of NEWSREEL.
the aircraft and crews were rotated on a weekly basis.


These aircraft
da 4

bility at Johnston Island.

participated in all practices and rehearsals and were airborne during
the TEAK and ORANGE events.
An additional air suppert function required by the operatior was the

movenent of personnel and cargo into and out of the Eniwetck Proving Grourd
by MATS.

Although not under the operational contrcei of Task Group 7.4,

MATS was supported by the Air Terminal Element, Test Services Unit,
which previded the terminal services requirements.

Their responsi-

bilities included the on-loading and off-loading of passergers ard cargo,
maintenance and refueling of aircraft and crew ccntrcoi and flight pianning.
As the heavy flight schedules resulted in aircraft arrivals and departures
at all hours, this support function was q® around the clock operation.


the peak of the testing series, during a one (1) month period, over 200
inbound and outbound flights were serviced while handling nearly 2,000,000
pounds of cargo and 2,500 passengers.





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