the organization cf Task oroOh sea


ne requirement for eight (8)

C-54 aircraft, eight (8) 12007three (3) L-19s, and fifteen (15) helicopters, either H-19s or H-21s or a combination of the two.


required to furnish three (3) of these C-54s, ARDC was to furnish two (2),

and KATS three (3).

The three (3) C-54s furnished by MATS were te be

primarily aerial photo aircraft, but were to be used tc supplement the

airlift requirements.

PACAF was to furnish all of the heliccpters.

ARDC was to furnish the eight (8) L-20s and was to arrange with the

Seven (7) SA-16 aircraft were tc be

Arcy for the loan of the L-i9s.

furnished by MATS for Search and Rescue, and for the amphibious weather
island re~supply requirement.

All of these aircraft except one aerial

photo C-54 were in place or arrived during March 1958.
The control of these aircraft was divided according tc the primary rcission each was <2 vcerform.

Teese aircraft wnich vere to re

primarily engaged ic transniurt operations weré piaced uraer the coniris

cf the Test Base Unit.

These inclided five (5) C-545 anc eizht (8)

L-20s which were formed izt:> the Fixed Were Element. and the riftee.

(43) reiiccpters, nine (9) E-2is and six (¢) H-i3s. which formed Detachmerit #., 24th Heliccpter Sguadrom.

The Tes. Services Uii. nad ccrirsl of

he S4-16s which formed th: Search ari Rescus Element (SAR). and <h2
three (3) KATS C-5ys which were a part of the Aerial Paciz Elezert.


SAR Elenent was respcrsibie for weather island re-sapply «hers oly .ats-


lendings could be made.

The Aerial Ph-tec Element C-54s sunriementea ths

heavy transport requirements cf the TEU Fixed Wing Element wher their
mission requirements permitted.

First tuo, and then three of the L-20 air-.

craft of the Fixed Wing Elenent were detached to Bikini to provide airlift
between NAN Island and the PSTER-OBOE Island complex.

~ LANL Ro”

Select target paragraph3