Chapter 5 - Support Aircraft
Task Grovp 7.4 was charged with many support responsibilities in
connection with Operation HARDTACK.

Among these responsibilities were

logistic support of the weather and rad-safe sites at Tarawa, Nauru,
Kusaie, Kapingamarangi, Uterik, Rongelap, Wotho, Ujelang, Wake, Midway,
Kwajalein, Majuro, Truk, and Guam.

Airlift service had to be supplied

between the principal Eniwetok Proving Ground sites of Eniwetok and
Bikini and among the islands of each atoll.

The logistic support fur-

nished by MATS required the services of an air terminal organization.
Responsibility for Search and Rescue operstions in the Eniwetok Control

Area was delegated to Commander, Task Group 7.4 by Joint Task Force
SEVEN Operation Order 1-58.

These support activities will be discussed


in the following paragraphs.
In planning for Operation HARDTACK, it was recognized that air
transportation requirenents in support of the test series would be varied’,
and would require several different types of aircraft to carry them out.

It was established that re-supply of the weather island and rad-safe
sites would have to be accomplished by both four enginedland based aircraft

and amphibious aircraft.

It was decided that the transport requirements

between Eniwetok and Bikini would also be met by using four engined land
based transports.

Personnel transport and light cargo transportation

requirements between the islands of Enivgtok Atoll and certain scientific
support requirements such as rad-safe surveys and recovery of scientific

instruments could best be met, it was decided, by liaison and helicopter

As a result of this planning, the book message which directed




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