
Pre and post shot crater survey photography was made ATO
clear detonations during the test.

Aerial photography of many of the

detonations was included in the program and much miscellaneous aerial photo-

xraphy was done, such as photography of B-57's and the B-52 in flight and
silhouetted ugainst a nuclear detonation, shots of Waval vessels and Navy
get fighters in flight.
The largest shot participation for this element was on the underwater
shots ‘JAHOO and UNBRELLA,

On these shots all five (5) of the Aerial Phcto

slement aircraft participated,

With the commletion of the UMBRELLA shot,

the participation of the RB-50's was completed and on 11 June they departed .

the EPG.

On 22 June, one (1) C-5) was returned to Clark AFB,

After the

ELDER shot another C-S) was returned to Palm Beach AFB on 30 June.

One ch

Ce54 was retained for use in aerial photography and airlift until after the
last shet.

Figure 12 gives a summary of flying activities of the C-5h air-

craft cf this element and Figure 13 gives a similar summary of the flying’ |

activities of its R2B-50's,



vais chapter has described the missions and the participation of test
anriral. in Operation HARDTACK.
series yet neid.

This operation was the largest nuclear test

During the Operational phase, 33 nuclear detonations were

heli in «he Enivetok Proving Ground and tvo (2) at Johnston Island,


aircraft, under the cperational contrel of Task Group 7.4, participated in
every t2s* shot in the operation in suopert of many scientific projects.
Tne aircraft had many various missions but could be categorizec into four

(4) different sypes of missions:

Samplers, whose missions was to collect particulate and gaseous

samples fron the nuclear cloud,

Sifects aircraft, whose mission was to aid in the stucy of the

effects of nuclear explosions on pee structures,
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Select target paragraph3