nucicar detcnations, AFOAT-1 participa-ed in ‘he NEWSRZEL chase of HARDTACK
with one (1) C-5 aircraft staged from Hickam AFB and furnished by the Air
Research and Development Ccmmand,

This aircraft positioned itself approxi-

mately 300 miles horizontal range from the detonation,
the aircraft with airborne navigational equipment.
missions and in beth NEISREEL Events.

The crew positioned

It flew


It flew a tctal of 90 hours during

2b? pavticipaticn in Operation HARDTACK,
It was decided that to perform the aerial photographic work for

HARDTACK three (3) C-5 aircraft and two (2) RB-~SO aircraft would be required,

The Aerial Photographic and Charting Service of MATS was directed

to furnish these aircraft and people.

Two (2) of the C-5h's and both of

the BeSO's came from Palm Beach AFB and one (1) C.o) came from Clark AFB.


Tee (2) of these Co54is arrived during Nar-h, as did ore (1) of the RB~50: 3.
The cthey two (2) aircraf* arrived in April.
The Aerial Fhoto Elener® was given the ~missicn of providing aircraft
and cvavs for asrial photcgrapny during HARDTACK and te supplement the air
rarnipor? accivitles of the Fixed Wing Elemert.

The C-34 aircraft of -his elemer.t fle: 616 hours during HARDTACK and



the RB.GO's flew 24] hours,

Gin anzther chapter.

The C-Si hours devsted to arvlift inli te

During HARDTACK. the aircraft of the Aerisi

Priv: Element: flev mary different types cf photo missions,
ef the isiarnds of both En:wetok and Biksrs plcolls were made,

Aerial pnotes
A ccmplete

survey cf populated atolls and islands within a 400 mile radius of

Bikim was made prior to the TEAK and ORANGE Lverts being moved to Johnston

Pnotcgrapns for water landing <4rvop vere made of many weather i:-

land sites for use of the Sak clemen*.

Aerrai photographic coverage was

nad= of Johnstcn Island prior to the d=cisien to use that site for NaWSRaEL,





Select target paragraph3