MARCH 2, 1973

This is the first periodic report of the analysis phase of the Eniwetok
Radiological Survey.

This phase is expected to extend over the next

five-six months, during which time these monthly status reports will
be made.

Attached is a graphical representation of analysis progress.
each type of sample has three major steps:
and digitizing, and chemical analysis.


preparation, gamma counting

Sample preparation consists of

drying, grinding, homogenizing, tagging, and packaging to send off toa
laboratory for actual analysis.

Before they are sent to the various labs,

gamma counts are made and data for each sample is entered in the
computer bank in the Biomedical Division, LLL.
then made at one of the following five labs:

Chemical analysis is
LLL, University of

Washington, McClellan Central Laboratory, LFE Environmental Analysis

Laboratory (formerly Trapelo), and Fberline Instrument Corporation.
Seawater samples are chemically processed directly by LLL, so consequently
the preparation and gamma counting bars are not shown onthe graph.
Below each type sample on the graph is indicated the total number of
samples gathered during field operations.
fish samples to be analyzed.
As stated above

For example, there are 456

Select target paragraph3