Brookhaven program could help solve those needs, and the stated goals of

the program and howit thinks it should interface with the people. The people
seemed to universally feel that in the past their opinions have not been understood

or taken seriously for discussion. This report will attempt to clarify the
expectations of both sides such that a better understanding can be reached.


Philosophy of Program in Past
The medical surveillence program as conducted by Brookhaven is a

research oriented program.

Its goal is to focus on the narrow subject of

what are the late radiation effects in the exposed Marshallese people.
The program has compiled notable results and the reader is referred to the
recently published twenty year report. Under closer analysis, however, the
Program is even more limited in its objectives. In 1954 following the accident,
the knowledge of radiation effects on man was markedly limited. Thus, the
original purpose of the program was to be as broad as possible to discover all

possible effects known and unknown. Over the years, however, data from
various sources and opinions of experts have assessed what long term effects
should be found in the people. Thus, now the program seems to operate
in a mode of looking for those effects predicted by experts in the field of

radiation medicine. It is the original goal of a broad general program that the
people have come to understand and expect to happen. They have heard
scientists tell them over the years that the long term effects of fallout
exposure are unknown and the program wants to determine what will occur.
They see this goal being achieved by a general but comprehensive nroaram
that assesses and treats all their health needs as well as the needs of their


It would be so complete a program that the slightest change

would be detected and assessed for its value. The program, however, does
not see the need for such a general health evaluation program. Rather, it

tends to focus on specific areas, such as the thyroid and blood, where the
scientists expect effects to occur.
It is the very narrowness of the program that the people have picked up

on and have caused them to have disagreement with the program. The program
as presently directed would function well in any sophisticated health oriented
nation where a variety of medical care systems could be used to provide care
for the general health care needs of the people not covered in the research
program. Inthe Marshall Islands, however, the program operates ina
virtual medical vacuum. The people on the islands of Rongelap and Utirik
see more of the Brookhaven medical team in one week than any other medical
personnel ina year.

The philosophy of Dr. Conard and the Energy Research

and Development Administration is that the Brookhaven research program should
not be concerned with the general health care needs of the people except to

assist local government programs. The general health care needs are said
by both parties to be the full responsibility of the Trust Territory and Department
of Interior, despite knowledge that neither has a workable plan for delivering

health cure to any of the outer islands such as Rongelap or Utirik. Some
general health clinics have been conducted by the survey teams but not to the
extent desired by the people to meet their needs.


The people also perceive

Select target paragraph3