
Honorable Wallace 0.


Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary
Territorial & International Affairs

Augusc 8, 1980
Page Eight

We submitted to you at the August 6, 1980 meeting
a copy of Dr. Merliss' letter presenting his findings. A

second copy is attached here.

(Attachment 2)

During his

short visit, Dr. Merliss became aware of a shocking number
of thyroid tumors, visual difficulties, birth anomolies and

other disorders--medical problems strikingly similar to
those reported by the people of Likiep.
thyroid tumors, Dr. Merliss concluded:

With regard to the

"There appears to be little doubt that the
tumors, benign or malignant, are radiation-induced.
There are just too many of them to be anything
Otherwise one would have to postulate that
the Marshallese had a remarkably high incidence
racially of tumors of the thyroid, this existing
before 1946, and the old people I spoke to denied
They denied that prior to the bombs there.
wasS any particular epidemic of lumps in the neck.
I cannot therefore accept the belief that the
Marshall Islanders simply by virtue of their
heredity have a tendency toward thyroid tumors."



stated that:

“I think that these three:
the tumors cf the
thyroid including cancer, disturbances in vision
probably due to cataracts, and deformities of

birth are a part of the radiation injury, and that

the continuing injury is in large part due to
food-chain entry by long-lived radioactive elements.

I strongly suspect that the leukemias were radiation

Dr. Merliss related an extremely disturbing account of the

lack of medical care in Utirik and elsewhere in the Marshall
Islands, as follows:
"For example, there was a general complaint of
dimming vision some five or six years ago on
Utric (sic), probably due to an increased incidence


of cataracts.

None of the people from Utric


that I spoke to told me that any physician examined
their eyes in such a way as to be able to recognize
Instead I was told that two boxes of
eyeglasses were shipped to the island being of
various models and frames, and the people were to
come in and choose whichever eyeglass seemed to

Select target paragraph3