reasonable values for these factors and the various weekly
doses into the formula, we get:

P = 0-8 [0-60 + (0-2) (0-37) + (0-3) (1-18) + In]
+ 0-2 [0-60 + 0-37 + 1-18] = 1-25 + 0-8 I, mr./week
Since we have determined that the indoor total y-levels

average 0-7 of the outdoor levels in these areas, we find

Th=05J], + 0-42, = 0-66 mr./week




Substituting this in the above expression for P, we get:





This result is not strongly dependent on the particular
values assumed for the various factors in the above
It is quite consistent with the similarly

calculated Health and Safety Laboratory population

exposure estimates, and much lower than the dosimeter
results. The mean contribution from building materials
to population exposure would have to be close to 2 mr./
week to validate the dosimeter data, which is considerably
higher than the measured values for the total indoor
y-dose rate in most of the 160 residences whereseintillation
detector readings were made. Even without such evidence,

it seems to be an unreasonably high value to assign to
mean regional indoor radiation-levels produced by radio-


week (HASL)
osure estimates as a function of comtatory (HASL) estimates for the eight
d areas examined

ittle doubt that the dosimeter
‘an be shown by carrying out a
ais of the various contributions
-level, P, utilizing the accurate
tory measurements of outdoor
se rates. If I,, In and Iy are
r dose-rate contributions from
l-out y-radiation, respectively,
-dose rate pro uced by sources
we can write the following
an + In) + fo (Le + Ly + In)

cy time factors for indoor and
vely, and sf and sp, are mean
» buildings and residences for
ral y-radiation. Substituting

P = 1-8 mr./week

activity in building materials. For it implies total indoor
-doses averaging approximately 3 mr./week, wheroas the
scattered data given in the 1962 United Nations report?®
indicate that readings of 1 mr./week are typical of normal
situations in wood or brick houses.
The results of both surveys indicate that the range of
population exposure to environmental radiation is quite
narrow throughout the regions studied. It follows that
northern New England does not provide a good ‘laboratory’ for the study of the effect on large human populations
of differences in long-term environmental radiation
exposure. Of much greater significance is the correlation

between the two entirely independent and undoubtedly

somewhat imprecise techniques for estimating these
exposure-levels, This correlation can be at least partially
understood as a consequence of the relatively high degree
of uniformity in radiation-levels observed within each
area. Under such fortunate conditions, the methodof using

a few hundred field measurements to infer the total radiation profile has yielded apparently realistic values for
population exposure, for which the Harvard dosimeter
data provide strong qualitative support. Spiers et al.’, in
their discussion of the extensive population investigation
in Scotland, have already indicated someof the difficulties
involved in obtaining and interpreting data of this type.
Butit can be concluded from the work recorded here that

Select target paragraph3