Dd, Rg. Tindsai o2e June 6, 1963 While I have no personal tmowledge of any feelings between the AEC Medical Team aad the Marshall Islenda Import and Export Company (MIECO), the Team Leader, Dr. Conard, did exprees dissatisfaction with che condition of the MIECO Ship, Rallke Ratak, used during the last survey. I believe any alleged eriticisa by the Medical Teas of MIECO asy be magnified by the distences {avolved as I am sure the team recognizes the value of KMIEGO as a source of supply in the Marshalls. I do know thet im the past the AEC has made prompt payment to MIECO through the Trust Territory for services rendered to the survey teas. However, sometines the invoices are subject to considerable delay in being submitted to the AEC. As a matter of fact, we just received on June 5, 1963 the MIECO invoice in the amount of $2,406.22 dated March 25, 1968 covering the use of the N/V RelikRatek during the February/March aedical survey. A check to cover this invoice will be mailed to MEEGO ca June 6, 1968. Hopefully, the lease problesas can be resolved when Senator Kabua visits Saipan the latter part of June. Ie the meantime, if we can give you eny edditional aasistence ia abtaining leases for the Utirik and Rongelap sites, pleaea contact me imeediately. Im this connection I would appreciate your suggestions if you feel it advisabie for us te contact Senator KRabua to attempt to assist im resolving the lease probdlens. Your efforts {a atceupting to finalize the lease arrengesents for these sites iv very euch appreciated. Very truly yours, Original Signed by W B. HILLS Wililas A. Boanet an Manager c3 cst -_ ce: Dr. J. &. Totter, UBAEC, Wash., D.C., wifey of TF ltr. 2 Dr. BR. A. Conard, WL, Upton, RY., wiey of TT itr. Mm Mr. J. &. Reeves, USAEC, RY.» wiley of Tf itr. e s OFFICE |.--_--2. 22-2 ene nee ne ee een eee cee eee cece ee cee ee ee fone eee nee eee cee ee eee ne epee ee renee eens SURNAME ® DATE > |._..-0 22-8088 fee eee eee eee eee Lee ee ce ee eee eee fe eee ee eee freee ee eee eee le eee eee eee ee nrwee2 WEEE LE ST TT ILLce Te tt Joneses romert recta tins asr serrataa Form AEC-318 (Rey. 9-53 ) c 318 ( tey LES GOVERNMENT ERINTING OFFICF the © 14 4D