. arncnannroaners memes re eS



The ratio of volume of air respired by a 3- to 4-year-

old girl to that of an adult can be estimated in two ways:

(a) from the

maximum rate of oxygen intake! and (b) from the vital capacity

respiration rate. ! Both methods give a ratio of about 0.3.

and maximum

The thyroid


burden of these children would then be about 3.4 wCi with a range of 1.7 to

6.8 uCi.
Assuming the Rongelap children are similar to those of New York
children, the mass of the thyroid of the children is 2.5 + 0.6 grams. 9
The most probable dose from yi31 is then 150 rad and the dose from

all isotopes if 510 rad.

If we consider the range of thyroid burden (1.7 to

6.8 wCi) and the variation in thyroid weight (1.9 to 3.1 grams), the dose isin
the range of 200 to 1350 rad.

Oral Ingestion.


At the time of the event, the Rongelap people were

on a water ration of 1 pint per day.

They were warned not to drink water

after the event, but most of them admitted they drank water anyway.??


method of collecting water by runoff from the roofs into cisterns makes it
very likely that this was the main source of oral ingestion.

There are re.

ports that it "rained a little’ on the afternoon of March 1 (D-Day).
village doctor reported that the ''water turned yellow."
concerned, the most likely source is dried fish.


As far as food is

Fish were dried on open

However, inthe interviews none of them listed dried fish as having

been eaten during the time before evacuation. !9

Under these circumstances

it is reasonable to assume that children drank the same amount of water
and, therefore,

had the same intake as adults; i.e., their thyroid burdens


were also 11.2 uCi of p3} (range 5.6 to 22.4 uCi).
The most probable dose from yi31 is then 490 rad and the total dose

1270 rad.

Considering a range in the thyroid burden (5.6 to 22.4 uCi) anda

thyroid weight range of 1.9 to 3.1 grams, the range of total dose is 520 to
3300 rad.
Incidentally, LASL assumed this mode of intake and calculated a dose
of 150 rad.”


The thyroid weight used was not given, but was probably 20

We would calculate 160 rad, in very good agreement with the LASL




Select target paragraph3