te. Pie we d Bapeaek . eres i Subjects Skink SelentificRe-curmy — auaylese The following acditienal tufervation wes developed today. Dr. Stafford Le Barren informed xe ef the following ecnversations with Commander Revelis aud Lt. Comanier Oullfillan. Se Dree Overstreet and Janchson will net be foreed te anceyzt sesignrents om the Bikini nlesion against their best Judguent ant desires ta the vatters My reecurencetion in the earlier menerandum dated 10 Jun aovering Chase tee wen appears te be 6 fair spree be Dro Farren telephoned te. Karl 2. Morgan, of Monsarto Clinter Laboratory at Sak Fidge In the presence af 16. Comender Oullfilian and secertais- ef that Dr. Horge: coul¢ release ticee ren from the laboratory for the Bikini’ mission. The nen are Pr. Forest Hostern, PhD in Fiyaicos, Dr. dcohu Robdersan, Far tn Physion, and Raljh Fincinhes, 8. im Chesfetry (an instrument nan). All tices con are in the poation beaded Tre Mergen ot the Clinton Laberatoriess Pre Herzin indloated that my adle te berrew enough mweeuring equipsent end aocheseries to take with Chem to Sikial to és the god deaired ty the Reavy. Rowover, exact infermiion on the latter point won't be known until @ beard the ship. Dr. Warren also indianted that Dre Richard Fester, 0 Fish biologist at Hanford concerned with the fick presgrer at that luention and on the eurtraster*s payrell (0%), eeuld and should be added to the University of Neshington group (Dre Doraldson)e Ge Dre Ronnldsonts group consisting of about ton fren the versity of Rastdagten venla’ ge to etude plow life flan bMelesy. ee eeerenceeesener eae m0 Siinton Laboraterice eee eee fission procusts gheulstey partitioning the |: with sheniesl seperets take oeeritte ttn Be ennter end ontablich the Fatie betwen the product and fission produstewhile at Biking, It was expected to fo ali these things on beard the ship in Ge laboratory eyncs provided. Eh eD- ™